Legal Notices for the BYA / BYH Website

Legal Notices for this Website

Brigham Young High School
Provo, Utah

This is a private, unfunded, non-commercial website.

No individual or entity derives revenue from this website.

This website does not sell advertising, does not promote or sell goods or services, and does not solicit donations or other contributions to any person or any entity involved with this website.

This website holds no funds and no property.

The purpose of this website is to serve some of the shared sentimental interests of those who formerly attended or taught at the school fondly remembered as "BY High" in Provo, Utah.

This school was officially closed in June 1968, and this website was started some 33 years later in 2001 by private individuals.

Brigham Young Academy was dissolved in 1903, but its alumni are included in this website because BYA was the predecessor organization of Brigham Young High School.

All past and present website participants of the BYA/BYH website are unpaid volunteers.

There is no organized alumni association of Brigham Young Academy, nor of Brigham Young High School.

This website is not affiliated with Brigham Young University.

This website is also not affiliated with Brigham Young University high school extension classes, nor with the Brigham Young University ~ Online High School.

Since it was founded in 1876, this school has reached the age of 148 in 2024. In 2026, we will be able to celebrate its 150th anniversary!