1907 BYU Varsity Basketball Team
Made Up Completely of BY High Students
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We first became fascinated with the 1907 Brigham Young University Varsity Basketball Team when we read about Hyrum Corry Perkins of Bluff, Utah, a member of that team. His family possessed a previously unknown photo of that team (see below), featuring a set of different players than are pictured in what was supposed to be the the 1907 BYU Varsity Team photo located in the BYU archives. At the time he was playing for BYU, Corry Perkins was a B.Y. High School student.
The account of his basketball career is exciting, exuberant and happily embellished for the children and grandchildren of Corry Perkins. Here it is as it was handed down:Corry was a handsome man, six feet tall, lithe, and lean, with strength developed working on the family ranch. He was a young man of exceptional athletic talent.
He went to Brigham Young Academy in Provo, Utah where he saw a basketball for the first time. He learned the game and played guard for the "White and Blue" -- the name of the team back then. He played basketball for four years.
He was the captain and star of the Varsity Basketball Team in his senior year. One of his greatest thrills was when his team won the tournament that decided the national championship and he made the last basket that won the game. He was carried around the playing floor by his teammates!
That was one of his life’s greatest thrills. Kisten, his future wife, was attending her first year at BYA and cheered at the game. See photo: Brigham Young Academy Basketball Team 1907. Corry Perkins is back row, last on right. San Juan Record, July 17, 2013- Perkins Family Holds Reunion & Family History by By Margaret Perkins Tennity It is true that Corry Perkins was the Captain of the team, and it is true that he scored the final shot that won the game against Brigham Young College of Logan, Utah on January 26, 1907. But BYC won the season championship in a later win over BYU. BYU finished in second place for the 1907 season.
Here is a condensed and rather florid account of the game won by Corry Perkins, written by a student sportswriter on the BYU White and Blue student newspaper staff:Of all games that cause such intense excitement, such uncertainty, that simply stops and starts one's heart, basket-ball excels. This applies, of course, to a closely contested fight, and which beyond any possible contradiction was clearly demonstrated in the game with the BYC [Brigham Young College, Logan, Utah], January 26th [1907].
Rose [Henry Rose] with two crippled feet, coupled with an attack of appendicitis, and nothing but olive oil for the past three days, could not possibly enter such a battle. Cham [Ellis Chamberlain] had been suffering from a severe cold all week, and by no means was in a fit condition, but pluck and determination forced him in.
The only course was to go in for victory with Gardner [J. Hamilton Gardner] sub.
From the whistle's call our hearts were started and stopped without even our permission. Gardner at the foul line saved our lives in the first half by scoring seven free throws out of eight chances. [In those days, when a foul was committed, the team selected which player would put up the foul shot.]
A sigh of relief sounded through the gym as the timer announced the end of the first half, leaving the score 15 to 14 in our favor.
The second half opened with no less excitement. Rose entered in Gardner's place, and the game proceeded. Not for a moment was the intensity reduced, and as the end approached, the crowd was on its feet. BYU, 22; BYC, 23. Ten seconds remained. Logan fouled just as the timer's whistle blew. Silence struck every soul.
Rose was playing with the ball at the foul line in his easy, unexcited manner. One--two--three-- The score was tied BYU 23; BYC, 23. Five minutes was consumed with yelling and exhilaration.
According to the rules, in case of a tie score, the game continues, and the team securing the first two points wins.
Foul on BYU, one shot. BYC scored--23 to 24. One more chance for a play. Perk [Hyrum Corry Perkins] knew it. "Give it to me, Eva. I'll put it in," his eyes simply glared. "Fifteen, fifteen," called out Eva [Homer Christensen]. Cham lost no time getting the ball to Perk, as he came up the side line like a scared race horse. In, in, the day is won, 25 to 24! How peaceful the ball hung, while the crowd went mad. Sometimes most or all of the BYU teams were tough and talented current high school athletes. In 1907 Corry Perkins was a starter and a dependable player in his BYH senior high school year on the BYU Varsity Basketball Team -- and so were all of the other players on the BYU Varsity Basketball Team!
Students in those days did not attend school for nine months each year as they do today, and as a result the eighth grade graduates were often seventeen, eighteen or more when they arrived at "Brigham Young Academy" in Provo for four years of high school studies -- graduating at ages 21, 22 or more.
Although Brigham Young Academy was dissolved in 1903, replaced by Brigham Young High School and Brigham Young University, the great old BYA name held on, and lines were blurred in other ways.
It was common practice for BYU to recruit and welcome top high school talent to the University athletic squads. For example, Alma W. Richards was a top BYU track and field athlete who won a gold meal at the Olympics in Finland in 1912 -- a year before he graduated from BYH in the Class of 1913.
Newly Discovered Photo ~ Brigham Young University Varsity Basketball Team of 1907. Above, Corry Perkins is standing, back row, last on right.
While we have not yet been able to specifically identify which player is which in these photos, the top players on the team in 1907 were: Henry Rose, Forward, Inverury, Utah, BYH '07; Ellis F. Chamberlain, Forward, Provo, Utah, BYH '09; Homer Christensen, Center, American Fork, Utah, BYU '09; Hyrum Corry Perkins, Forward & Guard, Bluff, Utah, BYH '07, J. Hamilton Gardner, Forward, Lehi, Utah, BYH '07; Robert J. Evans, Lehi, Utah, Guard & Forward, BYH '07; Ernest M. Greenwood, Guard, Inverury, Utah, BYH '07.
The BYU coach in 1907 was Clayton Tryon Teetzell, a famous University of Michigan athlete who went from BYU to the Utah Agricultural College in Logan from 1909 to 1916 as their Director of Physical Education.
In a league with 5 teams [Brigham Young College ~ BYC in Logan, BYU in Provo, LDS University in SLC, Utah Agricultural College ~ UAC in Logan & Weber State Academy ~ WSA in Ogden], BYU won 7 games and lost 2. BYU lost the hard-fought championship game 27 - 24 on March 16, 1907 at the YMCA gymnasium in Salt Lake City, to the Brigham Young College team from Logan. The BYC record was 8 wins and 1 loss. Reported by the Salt Lake Herald, March 17, 1907.
Gold medals containing a raised basketball in the center under "1907" with "B.Y.U." in a circle surrounding it, were presented to 1907 BYU basketball standouts: Rose, Chamberlain, Christensen, Perkins, Gardner, Evans & Smith. The rosters of BYU players in newspapers that year never mentioned W. T. Smith, the team manager. Greenwood was a consistent starter and effective player -- no explanation why he is not mentioned in the list of standouts who received the 1907 medal. Reported in the Salt Lake Herald, May 15, 1907.
Henry Rose, Forward, Inverury, Utah, BYH '07 Brigham Young High School, Class of 1907 and 1908, and Brigham Young University Class of 1910. Henry Rose. In 1907 he received a High School Diploma. Source: Students Record of Class Standings B.Y. Academy, Book 2, Page 215. 1907 - May 23. Also Elected Basketball Manager for 1907-1908: Henry Rose. Henry Rose continued to play BYU Varsity Basketball, and was elected Student Body President in 1909-1910. Henry Rose served as BYU Basketball Coach for the year 1910-1911 and his Varsity Team won the championship with a record of 8-0. Henry Rose continued on as a coach, including becoming Head Coach at Springville High School. Henry John Rose was born on December 26, 1882 at Inverury [now Central], Sevier County, Utah. His parents were John Oscar Rose [1847-1924] and Mary Jane Elizabeth Snyder [1851-1922]. He married Lillian Andersen. Henry John Rose died on July 1, 1973.
Ellis F. Chamberlain, Forward, Provo, Utah, BYH '09 Brigham Young High School, Class of 1909. Ellis F. Chamberlain. He received a High School Diploma. First Source: Students Record of Class Standings B.Y. Academy, Book 2, Page 202; and Book 4, Page 420. Second Source: Arts & Trades High School Graduate Inter-Mountain Republican June 2, 1909 Mr. Chamberlain was well known in Utah athletic circles, and a resident of Salt Lake City. While at Brigham Young University in Provo he was a star athlete. He coached at Murdock Academy in Beaver, then served as Circleville, Utah Postmaster for 23 years. While living in Piute County, Mr. Chamberlain was also potato inspector for the Department of Agriculture and was active in other civic and church affairs. Ellis F. Chamberlain was born on December 22, 1883 in Piute County, Utah. He married Ina Ellen Fullmer Chamberlain. He died on December 22, 1958 in Salt Lake City Utah at exactly the age of 76. Source.
Homer Christensen, Center, American Fork, Utah, BYH '09
Hyrum Corry Perkins, Forward & Guard, Bluff, Utah, BYH '07.
J. Hamilton Gardner, Forward, Lehi, Utah, BYH '07 Brigham Young High School, Class of 1907. J. Hamilton Gardner. He received a High School Diploma. Source: Students Record of Class Standings B.Y. Academy, Book 2, Page 209.
Robert J. Evans, Lehi, Utah, Guard & Forward, BYH '07 Brigham Young High School, Class of 1907. Robert J. Evans. He received a Normal Diploma. Source: Students Record of Class Standings B.Y. Academy, Book 2, Page 153.
Ernest M. Greenwood, Guard, Inverury, Utah, BYH '07 Brigham Young High School, Class of 1907. Ernest M. Greenwood. He received a Normal Diploma. Source: Students Record of Class Standings B.Y. Academy, Book 2, Page 116.
Basketball Manager: T. W. Smith
Basketball team, Second Photo, Second Team, 1907
According to the BYU Archives, this was a photo of the 1907 basketball team of the BYU, and includes "Charles West, E. J. Kirkham, Enoch Brown, R. J. Evans, Hamilton Gardner, and Jensen". As the Blue & White caption explains, these were the Class of 1907 champions, not the varsity team. However, two of the players pictured did play on the BYU Varsity Basketball team: Robert J. Evans and J. Hamilton Gardner. All are B.Y. High School students.
One of those listed, E. J. Kirkham, was actually the head cheerleader in 1907.
The photo description in the L. Tom Perry Special Collections in the Harold B. Lee Library at BYU notes that the 1907 team had eliminated the heavy quilted football pants worn by earlier basketball teams. They gained speed and mobility by wearing boxer shorts, which, no doubt, contributed to their winning the [inter-class] trophy.
The players in the first 1907 photo are wearing the heavy football pants, and the players in the second 1907 photo are wearing the lighter boxer shorts.
Charles West Brigham Young High School, Class of 1907. Charles H. West. He received a High School Diploma. Source: Students Record of Class Standings B.Y. Academy, Book 2, Page 280.
E. J. Kirkham 1907 - May 23. Elected 1907 Yell Master: E. J. Kirkham E. J. Kirkham was listed as a third-year BY High School student in 1907, so would have been a senior in 1908.
Enoch Brown Brigham Young High School, Class of 1907. Enoch Brown. He received a Normal Diploma. Source: Students Record of Class Standings B.Y. Academy, Book 2, Page 170.
R. J. Evans Brigham Young High School, Class of 1907. Robert J. Evans. He received a Normal Diploma. Source: Students Record of Class Standings B.Y. Academy, Book 2, Page 153.
J. Hamilton Gardner Brigham Young High School, Class of 1907. He received a High School Diploma. Source: Students Record of Class Standings B.Y. Academy, Book 2, Page 209.
Jensen? BYH Class of 1908. Perhaps this is James Jensen of Spanish Fork, Utah, a Normal graduate. BYU [& BYH] Class of 1908 Listing of BYH Normal, High School, Commercial, Music, Agriculture, and Arts & Trades graduates. Source: Brigham Young University & Normal Training School, Catalogue & Announcements, for 33rd Academic Year, 1908-1909, pp. 128-130. ~ ~ ~ ~ Collegiate Grad of BYU, Class of 1917. James Jensen. He received an AB Degree in Zoology in 1917. Source: Annual Record, B.Y. University, Book 3, page 262.
The White and Blue, Basket Ball Number, Vol X, No 8
1907 Basketball League Schedule 1 Complete Version 2 1907 Basketball League Season BYU Schedule
1st. 1907 - Jan. 19 at Provo. BYU 72 vs Weber Stake Academy 9. (Win) 1907 - Jan 21. Deseret News: Provo Victorious Salt Lake Herald 1907-01-20 - Big Score Made by Provo
BYU Players: Chamberlain, Left Forward Rose, Right Forward Christensen, Center Greenwood, Left Guard Perkins, Right Guard
2. 1907 - Jan. 26 at Provo. BYU 25 vs BYC Logan 24. (Win in overtime) 1907 - Jan 28. Deseret News: Basketball Contests
BYU Players: Chamberlain, Left Forward Rose & Gardner, Right Forward (Rose's knee dislocated) Christensen, Center Perkins, Left Guard Greenwood, Right Guard
3. 1907 - Feb. 01 at SLC. BYU 32 vs LDSU SLC 29. (Win) 1907 - Feb 02. Intermountain Republican: Champs Get Scare from Midget Five 1907 - Feb 02. Deseret News: Midgets Beaten by Champions
BYU Players: Rose, Left Forward Chamberlain, Right Forward (star) Christensen, Center (star) Perkins, Left Guard Greenwood, Right Guard
4. 1907 - Feb. 16 at Provo. BYU 41 vs ACU Logan 11. (Win) 1907 - Feb 17. Intermountain Republican: Logan Trimmed Again - A.C.U. Loses to Star Provo Basketball Team by 41 to 11
BYU Players: Chamberlain, Left Forward (star) Gardner and Evans, Right Forward Christensen, Center Perkins, Left Forward (Guard?) Greenwood, Right Forward (Guard?)
5. 1907 - 23 Feb at Ogden. BYU vs Weber Stake Academy (Weber Forfeits = Win) Inter-Mountain Republican 1907-02-20 - Weber Forfeits Game; B. Y. U. to Meet Apollos Inter-Mountain Republican 1907-02-24 - Weber Reneges Once More
BYU Players:
6. 1907 - Mar. 01 at Logan. BYU 23 vs ACU Logan 12. (Win) 1907 - Mar 02. Salt Lake Herald: BYU Defeats AC - BYC Asks for Postponement (of the next game) - Three Players Under Doctor's Care -
BYU Players: Chamberlain, Left Forward (star) Evans, Right Forward Christensen, Center Perkins, Left Guard Greenwood, Right Guard
7. 1907 - Mar. 02 at Logan. BYU 16 vs BYC Logan 19. (Loss) 1907 - Mar 03. Logan Republican: Champions Lose to the Crimson - Great Game of Basketball Saturday - In Which Provo Was Given Big Surprise
BYU Players: Christensen, Center Evans, Left Forward Chamberlain, Right Forward Perkins, Left Guard Greenwood, Right Guard
8. 1907 - Mar. 08 at Provo. BYU 30 vs LDSU SLC 19. (Win) 1907 - Mar 09. Salt Lake Herald: Leaders Tied In State League - BYA Defeats LDSU in Last Basketball Game of League Schedule 1907 - Mar 09. Intermountain Republican: Midgets Lose Out in Final Contest - Provo Wins 30 to 19, and Will Play Logan
BYU Players: Chamberlain, Left Forward Perkins, Right Forward Christensen, Center Evans, Left Guard Greenwood, Right Guard
Looking forward to the Championship Game
9. Championship Game: 1907 - Mar. 16. BYU 24 vs BYC Logan 27. (Loss) 1907 - Mar 17. Salt Lake Herald: Great Struggle Won By Logan - Final Game for School Basketball Championship Captured by Close Score 1907 - Mar 20. Logan Republican: BYC Wins a Great Victory - Basketball Team Captures State Championship After Years of Effort Salt Lake Herald 1907-03-17 - Error in Scoring Game
BYU Players: Perkins, Left Forward Chamberlain, Right Forward (star) Christensen, Center Evans, Left Guard Greenwood, Right Guard
Final League Standings:
BYC Logan - 8 wins 1 loss
BYU Provo - 7 wins 2 losses
LDSU SLC - 4 wins 4 losses
ACU Logan - 2 wins 6 losses
WSA Ogden - 0 wins 8 losses