Brigham Young High School History
Historic 'Pearly Gates' A Gift of BY High School Class of 1912
(Left) The 1948 BYH Wildcat yearbook displays the nickname students used for five decades, and (right) in 1956 two BYH seniors imagine what the real world might be like "beyond the pearly gates." |
2005 Ribbon Cutting Held For Academy Square Gates Project
The pictured donors, dignitaries and friends helped to cut the southwest Academy Gate ribbon on May 4, 2005: Front Row L to R: Myrth Burr*, Brent Ashworth*, Cassia Flores*, Geniel Childs*, Barbara Sandstrom*, Cindy Richards**, Shirley Paxman****, Suzie Liechty****, Marion Smoot***, Ruby Hansen***, Julie Clark, Smoot Brimhall*** Back Row L to R: Dick Blackham, Tami Harris*, Christianna Phillips, Midge Johnson**, Dave Knecht**, Monroe Paxman****, SueZann Kohler*, Doug Smoot***, Gene Nelson, Mayor Lewis Billings, Steve Turley**, Victor Hansen***, Paul Warner**, Dan Clark*** _____________________ Provo City Library Municipal Board *, Provo City Council Members**, Academy Gate Donors***, BYAF Members****
The committee for the historic Academy gates project included: (left to right) Dick Blackham, Provo City Facilities Manager; Doug Smoot, project fund raising; Lewis K. Billings, Provo City Mayor; Eugene Nelson, Director, Provo City Library at Academy Square; and Christiana Phillips, MJSA Architects, Salt Lake City. This photo was taken on May 4, 2005.